Become a Subcontractor
Welcome to ‘Our Family’ where we cultivate a nurturing atmosphere, ensuring each individual feels valued, integrated, and esteemed. Our mission is to cultivate a secure, injury-free workspace for our subcontractors, championing a healthier, fairer future for our team, enterprise, and environment. At every step, we maintain unwavering integrity across our operations. Come be a part of ‘Our Family.’
Before starting the application process, be prepared with:
1. Company license numbers
2. State/province sales tax numbers
3. State unemployment insurance numbers (if applicable)
4. Information on recently completed projects inclusive of values
5. Three supplier references (Company Name, Contact Name, Contact Information)
6. Three contractor references (Company Name, Contact Name, Contact Information)
1. W-9 or country specific tax form equivalent
2. Underrepresented Business Enterprise (UBE) certification information
3. Surety information – Letter from Surety indicating project and aggregate limits
4. Insurance information – Current sample certificate and additional insured endorsement forms